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Day 15

There have been some first signs of movement. Perhaps not entirely as desired, but all part of the process I assume.

What seems to be happening, which isn't the easiest to gauge (check out the pictures here if you're really interested, it actually seems like more of an exercise in proper lighting) - is that (I'm getting there) my bottom front teeth are moving forward and my top front teeth are moving to the side.

I actually thought I'd see more movement from my snaggletooth, as it has room to move back into naturally, but it hasn't budged at all.

Likewise I thought my bottom two front teeth would line up first, but the most movement has come from the tooth behind them which has meant the front two have maintained the status quo in terms of formation.

I was never actually that fussed about how my bottom teeth looked, they're the same as Will Ferrell's and he seems to be doing alright. So unconcerned in fact that unlike my upper teeth, I realise I've never even bothered to imagine what they'd look like straight.

Now that I can see and feel them moving forward, it's not hard to imagine them being straight at all and with, dare I say, "less to do" than the top teeth, they might actually get there first.

Maybe I should be running an office raffle on which row will win?

Certainly everyone in the office has their opinions about braces and I've heard so many tales now of how harrowing they were for everyone when they were teenagers. Believe me grown ups, it was better to have them then.

Though I remain awfully grateful I haven't had to have any kind of surgery, some real horrors have been described to me. It really makes me wonder what humanity would actually look like if braces were not a thing. I might have been considered to have quite a good smile if no-one had had 'corrective' treatment.

As for the movement of my top teeth, the big mover is my other canine which took the brunt of the hit which rearranged my teeth in the first place. It appears to be pushing outwards and taking the inner incisor with it. This is great news as this incisor has been pushed back behind my front teeth over the last 20 years and would surely have continued on that journey without braces.

The only down side is that it isn't exactly moving laterally and that means it's also pushing my front tooth on that side, forward. Not a great look for the time being, but one I assume will be reversed when the space returns for it to move back into.

As well as forward, everything on the top seems to be pulling to the left while those two teeth sort themselves out, which leads me to deduce this is why my snaggletooth on the right hasn't moved, it's in a tug of war.

It seems to be just a jump to the left.. and then a step to the right.


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