The last week has seen a return to pain, primarily in my bottom front teeth as they move forward. However things seem to now be slowing as my incisors struggle to get past my bottom canines, which like my top canines, ever so slightly face forward on an angle. I suspect this is because when they came in during puberty I was well and truly a midget, there was no room for them and they did what they could to reach towards the light. Now I believe there is room, they're just on the wrong angle. However I imagine this will be one of the tougher hurdles to overcome and expect to have rubber bands strapped on the next time I see the dentist. Then again, if the incisor on the right hand side of my face and wriggle past its pesky canine companion, there may not be a need for that. It's certainly the tooth I'm keeping the closest eye on at the moment and arguably the tooth that's so far moved the furthest. As for my top teeth, the resulting movement of my two front te...
It took 18 days for me to break my braces. Life has been very full recently, the stress has been getting to me and I'm fairly certain of that because I bit clean through my braces in my sleep. I broke two brackets and woke myself up in the process. Both broken brackets are on my bottom molars, one I seriously destroyed, the other is still attached to the wire and sitting in my mouth, ineffective, but out of the way. When science says teeth are harder than steel, they are not messing about.